Wednesday 20 January 2016

VisaPure facial cleansing brush

We went to Philip sale at 16 Nov 2013.

We saw the promoter used this brush to clean the marina skin and look great. So I plan to buy this, buy when I come back from lunch all this product was out of stock so we have no choice and we went to see other thing. Lucky we come at 3pm something some of product release so I faster got the bill. Because original price sgd 269, OG sale at sgd 229 and now only sgd 169, and I quickly grabed this promotion. 

Besides this I alway do the eye lags extension and very difficult to clean my face hence when I saw this product I love it so much. 

This is sensitive brush for sensitive skin

This is normal one 

We original set come with 2 sensitive brush and 1 normal

This is travel pouch


Normal and sensitive bush for daily use and need to be replace every 3 months @ sgd 16 and  Exfoliating brush designed with shorter bristles to exfoliate gently and longer bristles to wipe away dead skin cells and this for weekly use. This brush need to be replace every 6 months @ sgd 21. 

How to uses ?
First u need to divide your face to 3 parts, left / right / T zone because the brush have skinzoon timer and pauses every 20 second for 3 times. So we need to brush left side upward and circle motion, do the same thing right side after that will be T zone. After that wash away with water will do.
Lastly use wash the brush and use tisu paper clean away the water from bush, simple as this.

I have using this for one month I found that my face are cleaner then before and ance become lesser.

Add on with daily skin care routine 
1. Remove make up 
2. Cleanser
3. Scrub , twice a week
4. Toner 
5. Mask 
6. Toner
7. Blemish gel 
8. Moisturizer 

Thursday 30 October 2014


Trichologist- 11 years in Singapore, and the consultant told me their company are using Europe herb, that suite people now a day. This will be very difference for Chinese herb , Europe Herb are herb from Europe using a lot of flower and grass further more  trichologist combine advance nano technology to help scalp to absorb better to gain better result. 
I Brought Groupon to try for their services, because I felt my hair going thin and less on top, I cannot imagine if I m bold hair... 

This is not the first time I try for professional hair re- growth services, so let try it.. 

First step 1
They are using PH balance shampoo to clean my hair. 

Step 2 
Apply cool mask to scalp and massage 
The function will be prevent hair loss and help hair growth. The ingredient will be Spiral alga, the consultant told me that will rich in mineral and help the scalp to froth health. 

Step 3 
Apply 99% of oxsigen and amplouse, in order to let the amplouse and oxsigen penetrate to a scalp and massage with better absorption. Feel quite comfortable wit hot pack at shoulder to help you to relax. 

Ok look ugly, while having massage, and apply oxsigen... Kekeke !!! But I am relaxing !!!

The last step will be Infa red 

The last but not least, it took 1 hrs and 20 minute to complete whole process , quite comfortable and I am enjoy it . 

Now we will let you know the package price !!! 

For first time visit, the promotion price will be Sgd 1088 for 8 times, for me still ok .. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014



我在Rapellez 做了Oxigen hair treament Sgd 180,做这个是因为要给氧气给我的头皮让它不在那么油。

可能Rapellez- upper Thompson 不是专业所以弄断我的头发,我心痛死了,所以我当然没有签。







现今体重56k g,我的理想体重48kg,所以要减八kg才能造就完美体型,我喜欢玲珑的身材所以没打算成为纸片人。

我在五年前的体重是48kg,所以在这五年里肥肉慢慢愈来愈多而不自知,当发现时已经是变Antie 了。我下定决心成为美魔女,所以只能减肥啦!



我用和朋友参加了Monavie 的排毒营在马六甲。前一个月我已经少吃了,在两天一夜下来,体重轻了,腰也小了。体重是53Kg。

排毒营,美如其名就是排毒,健康的生活,身体一定要排毒二天就住在酒店里,早上到傍喝着Monavie 果汁,一天4餐就是排毒的餐包。早上红色,其它黑色包装的加300ml 的水与150ml 的果汁。然后就一直上着大小号。




接下来的五Kg很难廋。所以这个月我在菜单上已经没有蛋和牛奶。然后加强运动。吃完London weight 的detox drink.老实说London weight 是最没效果的,我呢只想快点用完配套。

第二步,加强运动,早上起床的七分钟排毒操,30分钟郑多燕老师的有养舞,船进30分钟的super-burner.一星期后才下了1kg.现在来到了52kg,我的理想体重是48kg 还有4Kg,还要在加油。


第四个星期去瑞士与義大利,这次有了经验,第一穿暖点,身体感觉冷就会顿积脂肪,第二带切油的药丸(选天然的贵点无防)。那里的食物是给冷天气的,高脂肪啊!吃了Q&N 的享瘦建康,体重现在是50kg。买享瘦只是因为要去義大利我不想旅游来时肥肉翘翘爬上身,惊喜的事,回来时瘦到50Kg,真是太意外了。我个人觉得现在的身材还不错,己经可以穿bikini 去马尔代夫了。


